Exercise Solutions

Exercise 1 Solutions

Exercise 1A Solutions

1. Create a new file in your working directory called Ex1A.R.

Go to File > New File > R Script. This will create an untitled R script. Go the File > Save, give it the appropriate name and click Save. If your working directory is already set to C:/Users/YOU/Documents/R-Book/Chapter1, then the file will be saved there by default.

You can create a new script using CTRL + SHIFT + N as well.

2. Enter these data (found in Table 1.1) into vectors. Call the vectors whatever you would like. Should you enter the data as vectors by rows, or by columns? (Hint: remember the properties of vectors).

Because you have both numeric and character data classes for a single row, you should enter them by columns:

Lake = c("Big", "Small", "Square", "Circle")
Area = c(100, 25, 45, 30)
Time = c(1000, 1200, 1400, 1600)
Fish = c(643, 203, 109, 15)

3. Combine your vectors into a data frame. Why should you use a data frame instead of a matrix?

You should use a data frame because, unlike matrices, they can store multiple data classes in the different columns. Refer back the sections on matrices (Section 1.4.3) and data frames (Section 1.4.4) for more details.

df = data.frame(Lake, Area, Time, Fish)

4. Subset all of the data from Small Lake.

Refer back to Section 1.7 for details on subsetting using indices and by column names, see Section 1.11 for details on logical subsetting.

df[df$Lake == "Small",]
# or

5. Subset the area for all of the lakes.

Refer to the suggestions for question 4 for more details.

# or

6. Subset the number of fish for Big and Square Lakes only.

Refer to the suggestions for question 4 for more details.

df[df$Lake == "Big" | df$Lake == "Square","Fish"]
# or

7. You realize that you sampled 209 fish at Square Lake, not 109. Fix the mistake. There are two ways to do this, can you think of them both? Which do you think is better?

The two methods are:

  • Fix the mistake in the first place it appears: when you made the Fish vector. If you change it there, all other instances in your code where you use the Fish object will be fixed after you re-run everything.
Fish = c(643, 203, 209, 15)
# re-run the rest of your code and see the error was fixed
  • Fix the cell in the data frame only:
df[df$Lake == "Square","Fish"] = 209

The second method would only fix the data frame, so if you wanted to use the vector Fish outside of the data frame, the error would still be present. For this reason, the first method is likely better.

8. Save your script. Close RStudio and re-open your script to see that it was saved.

File > Save or CTRL + S

Exercise 1B Solutions

First, did you find the error? It is the #VALUE! entry in the chao column. You should have R treat this as an NA. The two easiest ways to do this are to either enter NA in that cell or delete its contents. You can do this easily by opening ponds.csv in Microsoft Excel or some other spreadsheet editor.

1. Read in the data to R and assign it to an object.

After placing ponds.csv (and all of the other data files) in the location C:/Users/YOU/Documents/R-Book/Data and creating Ex1B.R in your working directory:

dat = read.csv("../Data/ponds.csv")

2. Calculate some basic summary statistics of your data using the summary() function.


3. Calculate the mean chlorophyll a for each pond (Hint: pond is a grouping variable).

Remember the tapply() function. The first argument is the variable you wish to calculate a statistic for (chlorophyll), the second argument is the grouping variable (pond), and the third argument is the function you wish to apply.

tapply(dat$chl.a, dat$pond, mean)

4. Calculate the mean number of Chaoborus for each treatment in each pond using tapply(). (Hint: You can group by two variables with: tapply(dat$var, list(dat$grp1, dat$grp2), fun).

The hint pretty much gives this one away:

tapply(dat$chao, list(dat$pond, dat$treatment), mean)

5. Use the more general apply() function to calculate the variance for each zooplankton taxa found only in pond S-28.

First, subset only the correct pond and the zooplankton counts. Then, specify you want the var() function applied to the second dimension (columns). Finally, because chao has an NA, you’ll need to include the na.rm = T argument.

apply(dat[dat$pond == "S.28",c("daph", "bosm", "cope", "chao")], 2, var, na.rm = T)

6. Create a new variable called prod in the data frame that represents the quantity of chlorophyll a in each replicate. If the chlorophyll a in the replicate is greater than 30 give it a “high”, otherwise give it a “low”. (Hint: are you asking R to respond to one question or multiple questions? How should this change the strategy you use?)

Remember, you can add a new column to a data set using the df$new_column = something(). If the column new_column doesn’t exist, it will be added. If it exists already, it will be written over. You can use ifelse() (not if()!) to ask if each chlorophyll measurement was greater or less than 30, and to do something differently based on the result:

dat$prod = ifelse(dat$chl.a > 30, "high", "low")

Bonus 1. Use ?table to figure out how you can use table() to count how many observations of high and low there were in each treatment (Hint: table() will have only two arguments.).

After looking through the help file, you should have seen that table() has a ... as its first argument. After reading about what it takes there, you would see it is expecting:

one or more objects which can be interpretted as factors (including character strings)…

So if you ran:

table(dat$prod, dat$treatment)
##        Add Control
##   high   8       0
##   low    2      10

You would get a table showing how many high and low chlorophyll observations were made for each treatment.

Bonus 2. Create a new function called product() that multiplies any two numbers you specify.

See Section 1.14 for more details on user-defined functions. Your function might look like this:

product = function(a,b) {
  a * b
## [1] 20

Bonus 3. Modify your function to print a message to the console and return the value if() it meets a condition and to print another message and not return the value if it doesn’t.

product = function(a,b,z) {
  result = a * b
  if (result <= z) {
    cat("The result of a * b is less than", z, "so you don't care what it is")
  } else {
    cat("The result of a * b is", result, "\n")

product(4, 5, 19)
## The result of a * b is 20
## [1] 20
product(4, 5, 30)
## The result of a * b is less than 30 so you don't care what it is

The use of cat() here is similar to print(), but it is better for printing messages to the console.

Exercise 2 Solutions

1. Create a new R script called Ex2.R and save it in the Chapter2 directory. Read in the data set sockeye.csv. Produce a basic summary of the data and take note of the data classes, missing values (NA), and the relative ranges for each variable.

File > New File > R Script, then File > Save > call it Ex2.R > Save. Then:

dat = read.csv("../Data/sockeye.csv")

2. Make a histogram of fish weights for only hatchery-origin fish. Set breaks = 10 so you can see the distribution more clearly.

hist(dat[dat$type == "hatch","weight"], breaks = 10)

3. Make a scatter plot of the fecundity of females as a function of their body weight for wild fish only. Use whichever plotting character (pch) and color (col) you wish. Change the main title and axes labels to reflect what they mean. Change the x-axis limits to be 600 to 3000 and the y-axis limits to be 0 to 3500. (Hint: The NAs will not cause a problem. R will only use points where there are paired records for both x and y and ignore otherwise).

plot(fecund ~ weight, data = dat[dat$type == "wild",],
     main = "Fecundity vs. Weight",
     pch = 17, col = "red", cex = 1.5,
     xlab = "Weight (g)", xlim = c(600, 3000),
     ylab = "Fecundity (#eggs)", ylim = c(0, 3500))

All of these arguments are found in Table 2.1.

4. Add points that do the same thing but for hatchery fish. Use a different plotting character and a different color.

points(fecund ~ weight, data = dat[dat$type == "wild",],
       pch = 15, col = "blue", cex = 1.5)

5. Add a legend to the plot to differentiate between the two types of fish.

       legend = c("Wild", "Hatchery"),
       col = c("blue", "red"),
       pch = c(15, 17),
       bty = "n",
       pt.cex = 1.5

Make sure the correct elements of the legend, col, and pch arguments match the way they were specified in the plot() and lines() calls!

6. Make a multi-panel plot in a new window with box-and-whisker plots that compare (1) spawner weight, (2) fecundity, and (3) egg size between hatchery and wild fish. (Hint: each comparison will be on its own panel). Change the titles of each plot to reflect what you are comparing.

vars = c("weight", "fecund", "egg_size")
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
sapply(vars, function(v) {
  plot(dat[,v] ~ dat[,"type"], xlab = "", ylab = v)

7. Save the plot as a .png file in your working directory with a file name of your choosing.

One way to do this:

ppi = 600
png("SockeyeComparisons.png", h = 5 * ppi, w = 7 * ppi, res = ppi)
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
sapply(vars, function(v) {
  plot(dat[,v] ~ dat[,"type"], xlab = "", ylab = v)

Bonus 1. Make a bar plot comparing the mean survival to eyed-egg stage for each type of fish (hatchery and wild). Add error bars that represent 95% confidence intervals.

First, adapt the calc_se() function to be able to cope with NAs:

calc_se = function(x, na.rm = F) {
  # include a option to remove NAs before calculating SE
  if (na.rm) x = x[!is.na(x)]
  sqrt(sum((x - mean(x))^2)/(length(x)-1))/sqrt(length(x))

Then, calculate the mean and standard error for the % survival to the eyed-egg stage:

mean_surv = tapply(dat$survival, dat$type, mean, na.rm = T)
se_surv = tapply(dat$survival, dat$type, calc_se, na.rm = T)

Then, get the 95% confidence interval:

lwr_ci_surv = mean_surv - 1.96 * se_surv
upr_ci_surv = mean_surv + 1.96 * se_surv

Finally, plot the means and intervals:

mp = barplot(mean_surv, ylim = c(0, max(upr_ci_surv)))
arrows(mp, lwr_ci_surv, mp, upr_ci_surv, length = 0.1, code = 3, angle = 90)

Bonus 2. Change the names of each bar, the main plot title, and the y-axis title.

mp = barplot(mean_surv, ylim = c(0, max(upr_ci_surv)),
             main = "% Survival to Eyed-Egg Stage by Origin",
             ylab = "% Survival to Eyed-Egg Stage",
             names.arg = c("Hatchery", "Wild"))
arrows(mp, lwr_ci_surv, mp, upr_ci_surv, length = 0.1, code = 3, angle = 90)

Bonus 3. Adjust the margins so there are 2 lines on the bottom, 5 on the left, 2 on the top, and 1 on the right.

Place this line above your barplot(...) code:

par(mar = c(2,5,2,1))

Exercise 3 Solutions

1. Perform the same analyses as conducted in Section 3.1 (simple linear regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, ANCOVA with interaction), using egg_size as the response variable. The predictor variables you should use are type (categorical) and year. You should plot the fit for each model separately and perform an AIC analysis. Practice interpretting the coefficient estimates.

First, read in the data:

dat = read.csv("../Data/sockeye.csv")
# regression
fit1 = lm(egg_size ~ year, data = dat)
# anova
fit2 = lm(egg_size ~ type, data = dat)
# ancova
fit3 = lm(egg_size ~ year + type, data = dat)
# ancova with interaction
fit4 = lm(egg_size ~ year * type, data = dat)

2. Perform the same analyses as conducted in Section 3.2, this time using a success being having greater than 80% survival to the eyed-egg stage. Use egg_size and type as the predictor variables. You should plot the fitted lines for each model separately and perform an AIC analysis. Practice interpretting the coefficient estimates.

dat$binary = ifelse(dat$survival < 80, 0, 1)

fit1 = glm(binary ~ egg_size, data = dat, family = binomial)
fit2 = glm(binary ~ type, data = dat, family = binomial)
fit3 = glm(binary ~ egg_size + type, data = dat, family = binomial)
fit4 = glm(binary ~ egg_size * type, data = dat, family = binomial)

3. Make the same graphic as in Figure 3.1 with at least one of the other distributions listed in Table 3.1 (other than the multinomial - being a multivariate distribution, it wouldn’t work well with this code). Try thinking of a variable from your work that meets the uses of each distribution in Table 3.1 (or one that’s not listed). If you run into trouble, check out the help file for that distribution.

This example uses the lognormal distribution, with meanlog = 10 and sdlog = 0.25:

# parameters
meanlog = 10; sdlog = 0.25

# a sequence of possible random variables (fish lengths)
lengths = seq(0, 8e4, length = 100)

# a sequence of possible cumulative probabilities
cprobs = seq(0, 1, length = 100)

densty = dlnorm(x = lengths, meanlog, sdlog)  # takes specific lengths
cuprob = plnorm(q = lengths, meanlog, sdlog)  # takes specific lengths
quants = qlnorm(p = cprobs, meanlog, sdlog)   # takes specific probabilities
random = rlnorm(n = 1e4, meanlog, sdlog)      # takes a number of random deviates to make

# set up plotting region: see ?par for more details
# notice the tricks to clean up the plot
  mfrow = c(2,2),    # set up 2x2 regions
  mar = c(3,3,3,1),  # set narrower margins
  xaxs = "i",        # remove "x-buffer"
  yaxs = "i",        # remove "y-buffer"
  mgp = c(2,0.4,0),  # bring in axis titles ([1]) and tick labels ([2])
  tcl = -0.25        # shorten tick marks

plot(densty ~ lengths, type = "l", lwd = 3, main = "dlnorm()",
     xlab = "Random Variable", ylab = "Density", las = 1)
plot(cuprob ~ lengths, type = "l", lwd = 3, main = "plnorm()",
     xlab = "Random Variable", ylab = "Cumulative Probability", las = 1)
plot(quants ~ cprobs, type = "l", lwd = 3, main = "qlnorm()",
     xlab = "P", ylab = "P Quantile Random Variable", las = 1)
hist(random, breaks = 50, col = "grey", main = "rlnorm()",
     xlab = "Fish Length (mm)", ylab = "Frequency", las = 1)
box() # add borders to the histogram

Bonus 1. Fit a von Bertalannfy growth model to the data found in the growth.csv data file. Visit Section 4.7.1 (particularly Equation (4.2)) for details on this model. Use the initial values: linf = 600, k = 0.3, t0 = -0.2. Plot the fitted line over top of the data.

Read in the data:

dat = read.csv("../Data/growth.csv")

Fit the model:

fit = nls(length ~ linf * (1 - exp(-k * (age - t0))),
          data = dat, start = c(linf = 600, k = 0.3, t0 = -0.2))

Plot the fit:

ages = seq(min(dat$age), max(dat$age), length = 100)
pred_length = predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(age = ages))

plot(length ~ age, data = dat)
lines(pred_length ~ ages, lwd = 3)

Exercise 4 Solutions

Exercise 4A Solutions

1. Simulate flipping an unfair coin (probability of heads = 0.6) 100 times using rbinom(). Count the number of heads and tails.

flips = rbinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = 0.6)
flips = ifelse(flips == 1, "heads", "tails")

2. Simulate flipping the same unfair coin 100 times, but using sample() instead. Determine what fraction of the flips resulted in heads.

flips = sample(x = c("heads", "tails"), size = 100, replace = T, prob = c(0.6, 0.4))

3. Simulate rolling a fair 6-sided die 100 times using sample(). Determine what fraction of the rolls resulted in an even number.

rolls = sample(x = 1:6, size = 100, replace = T)
mean(rolls %in% c(2,4,6))

4. Simulate rolling the same die 100 times, but use the function rmultinom() instead. Look at the help file for details on how to use this function. Determine what fraction of the rolls resulted in an odd number.

rolls = rmultinom(n = 100, size = 1, prob = rep(1, 6))
dim(rolls) #  rows are different outcomes, columns are iterations

# get the fraction of odd numbered outcomes

Exercise 4B Solutions

1. Adapt this example to investigate another univariate probability distribution, like -lnorm(), -pois(), or -beta(). See the help files (e.g., ?rpois) for details on how to use each function.

This solution uses the rbeta(), qbeta(), and pbeta() functions. These are for the beta distribution, which has random variables that are between zero and one.

First, create the parameters of the distribution of interest:

mean_p = 0.6  # the mean of the random variable
B_sum = 100   # controls the variance: bigger values are lower variance

# get the shape parameters of the beta dist
beta_shape = c(mean_p * B_sum, (1 - mean_p) * B_sum)

Then, generate random samples from this distribution:

random = rbeta(100, beta_shape[1], beta_shape[2])

Then, test the qbeta() function:

p = seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)
random_q = quantile(random, p)
beta_q = qbeta(p, beta_shape[1], beta_shape[2])
plot(beta_q ~ random_q); abline(c(0,1))

Then, test the `pbeta() function:

q = seq(0, 1, 0.05)
random_cdf = ecdf(random)
random_p = random_cdf(q)
beta_p = pbeta(q, beta_shape[1], beta_shape[2])
plot(beta_p ~ q, type = "l", col = "blue")
points(random_p ~ q, col = "red")

Exercise 4C Solutions

1. What sample size n do you need to have a power of 0.8 of detecting a significant difference between the two tagging methods?

Simply increase the maximum sample size considered and re-run the whole analysis:

n_try = seq(20, 200, 20)

It appears you need about 100 fish per treatment to be able to detect an effect of this size.

2. How do the inferences from the power analysis change if you are interested in p_new = 0.4 instead of p_new = 0.25? Do you need to tag more or fewer fish in this case?

This is a argument to your function, so simply change its setting when you execute the analysis:

#...more code above this
tmp = sim_fit(n = n_try[n], p_new = 0.4)
#more code after this...

Because the effect is larger, it is easier to detect with fewer observations.

3. Your analysis takes a bit of time to run so you are interested in tracking its progress. Add a progress message to your nested for() loop that will print the sample size currently being analyzed.

Simply insert the cat() line in the appropriate place in your loop. This is a handy trick for long-running simulations.

for (n in 1:N) {
  cat("\r", "Sample Size = ", n_try[n])
  for (i in 1:I) {

Exercise 4D Solutions

1. Add an argument to ricker_sim() that will give the user an option to create a plot that shows the time series of recruitment, harvest, and escapement all on the same plot. Set the default to be to not plot the result, in case you forget to turn it off before performing the Monte Carlo analysis.

Change your function to look something like this:

ricker_sim = function(ny, params, U, plot = F) {
  # extract the parameters out by name:
  alpha = params["alpha"]
  beta = params["beta"]
  sigma = params["sigma"]
  # create containers:
  # yep, you can do this
  R = S = H = NULL
  # initialize the population in the first year
    # start the population at being fished at 40%
    # with lognormal error
  R[1] = log(alpha * (1 - 0.4))/(beta * (1 - 0.4)) * exp(rnorm(1, 0, sigma))
  S[1] = R[1] * (1 - U)
  H[1] = R[1] * U
  # carry simulation forward through time
  for (y in 2:ny) {
    # use the ricker function with random lognormal white noise
    R[y] = S[y-1] * alpha * exp(-beta * S[y-1] + rnorm(1, 0, sigma))
    #harvest and spawners are the same as before
    S[y] = R[y] * (1 - U)
    H[y] = R[y] * U
  if (plot) {
    # the I() lets you calculate a quantity within the plot call
    plot(I(R/1e6) ~ seq(1,ny), type = "l", col = "black",
         xlab = "Year", ylab = "State (millions of fish)",
         ylim = range(c(R, S, H)/1e6) + c(0,0.2))
    lines(I(S/1e6) ~ seq(1,ny), col = "blue")
    lines(I(H/1e6) ~ seq(1,ny), col = "red")
    legend("top", legend = c("R", "S", "H"), lty = 1, bty = "n",
           col = c("black", "blue", "red"), horiz = T)
  # wrap output in a list object
    mean_H = mean(H),
    mean_S = mean(S)

Then use the function:

ricker_sim(ny = 20, 
           params = c(alpha = 6,
                      beta = 1e-7,
                      sigma = 0.4),
           U = 0.4, plot = T)

## $mean_H
## [1] 8145890
## $mean_S
## [1] 12218835

2. Add an error handler to ricker_sim() that will cause the function to return an error if() the names of the vector passed to the param argument aren’t what the function is expecting. You can use stop(“Error Message Goes Here”) to have your function stop and return an error.

Error handlers are useful: they catch common errors that someone might make when using your function and return and informative error. Insert this at the top of your function:

if (!all(names(params) %in% c("alpha", "beta", "sigma"))) {
  stop("the `params` argument must take a named vector
       with three elements: 'alpha', 'beta', and 'sigma'")

This says, if not all of the names of the params argument are in the specified vector, then stop the execution of the function and return the error message.

3. How do the results of the trade-off analysis differ if the process error was larger (a larger value of \(\sigma\))?

Simply increase the process error variance term (the sigma element of params) to be 0.6 and re-run the analysis:

The blue line is the higher process error scenario. It seems that if the process error was higher, you would need to sacrifice more in the escapement objective to obtain the same level of the harvest objective than in the case with lower process error. This makes sense: more variability means more iterations will have escapement less than the criterion.

4. Add implementation error to the harvest policy. That is, if the target exploitation rate is \(U\), make the real exploitation rate in year \(y\) be: \(U_y \sim Beta(a,b)\), where \(a = 50U\) and \(b = 50(1-U)\). You can make there be more implementation error by inserting a smaller number other than 50 here. How does this affect the trade-off analysis?

For this, add a B_sum argument to your function (this represents the 50 value in the question) and use a different randomly generated exploitation rate each year according to the directions:

# ... more code above
U_real = rbeta(ny, Bsum * U, Bsum * (1 - U))
# more code below...

You can use this instead of a fixed exploitation rate each year, for example:

# ...inside a loop
S[y] = R[y] * (1 - U_real[y])
H[y] = R[y] * U_real[y]
# end of a loop...

The red line has B_sum = 50 and the black line has B_sum = 1e6 (really large B_sum reduces the variance of U_real around U). It appears that introducing random implementation errors has a similar effect as increasing the process variance. To acheive the same harvest utility as the case with no implementation error, you need to be willing to sacrifice more in terms of escapement utility.

See what happens if you increase or decrease the amount of implementation error the management system has in acheiving a target exploitation rate.

5. Visually show how variable beta random variable is with B_sum = 50.

Here are two ways that come to mind:

# boxplots at various levels of U target
B_sum = 50
out = sapply(U_try, function(x) {
  rbeta(n = 1000, x * B_sum, B_sum * (1 - x))
colnames(out) = U_try
boxplot(out, outline = F, col = "goldenrod1")

# a time series at one level of U target
U = 0.50
plot(rbeta(20, U * B_sum, B_sum * (1 - U)), type = "b", col = "red", pch = 15)
abline(h = U, col = "blue", lty = 2, lwd = 2)

Exercise 4E Solutions

1. Replicate the bootstrap analysis but adapted for the linear regression example in Section 3.1.1. Stop at the step where you summarize the 95% interval range.

First, read in the sockeye.csv data set:

dat = read.csv("../Data/sockeye.csv")

Then, copy the three functions and change the model to be a linear regression for these data:

randomize = function(dat) {
  # number of observed pairs
  n = nrow(dat)
  # sample the rows to determine which will be kept
  keep = sample(x = 1:n, size = n, replace = T)
  # retreive these rows from the data

fit_lm = function(dat) {
  lm(fecund ~ weight, data = dat)

# create a vector of weights
weights = seq(min(dat$weight, na.rm = T),
              max(dat$weight, na.rm = T),
              length = 100)
pred_lm = function(fit) {
  # extract the coefficients
  ests = coef(fit)
  # predict length-at-age
  ests["(Intercept)"] + ests["weight"] * weights

Then perform the bootstrap by replicating these functions many times:

out = replicate(n = 5000, expr = {
  pred_lm(fit = fit_lm(dat = randomize(dat = dat)))

Finally, summarize and plot them:

summ = apply(out, 1, function(x) c(mean = mean(x), quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.975))))

plot(summ["mean",] ~ weights, type = "l", ylim = range(summ))
lines(summ["2.5%",] ~ weights, col = "grey")
lines(summ["97.5%",] ~ weights, col = "grey")

2. Compare the 95% bootstrap confidence intervals to the intervals you get by running the predict function on the original data set with the argument interval = "confidence" set.

You can obtain these same intervals using the predict() function:

pred = predict(lm(fecund ~ weight, data = dat),
               newdata = data.frame(weight = weights),
               interval = "confidence")

Plot them over top of the bootstrap intervals to verify the bootstrap worked right:

The intervals should look approximately correct.

Exercise 4F Solutions

1. Adapt the code to perform a permutation test for the difference in each of the zooplankton densities between treatments. Don’t forget to fix the missing value in the chao variable. See Exercise 2 for more details on this.

Read in the data:

dat = read.csv("../Data/ponds.csv")

Calculate the difference in means between the treatments for each zooplankton taxon:

Dobs_daph = mean(dat$daph[dat$treatment == "Add"]) - 
  mean(dat$daph[dat$treatment == "Control"])
Dobs_bosm = mean(dat$bosm[dat$treatment == "Add"]) - 
  mean(dat$bosm[dat$treatment == "Control"])
Dobs_cope = mean(dat$cope[dat$treatment == "Add"]) - 
  mean(dat$cope[dat$treatment == "Control"])
Dobs_chao = mean(dat$chao[dat$treatment == "Add"], na.rm = T) - 
  mean(dat$chao[dat$treatment == "Control"], na.rm = T)

You can use the same perm() function from the chapter to perform this analysis, except you should add an na.rm argument. All you need to change is the variables you pass to y:

perm = function(x, y, na.rm = T) {
  # turn x to a character, easier to deal with
  x = as.character(x)
  # shuffle the x values:
  x_shuff = sample(x)
  # calculate the mean of each group:
  x_bar_add = mean(y[x_shuff == "Add"], na.rm = na.rm)
  x_bar_ctl = mean(y[x_shuff == "Control"], na.rm = na.rm)
  # calculate the difference:
  x_bar_add - x_bar_ctl

Then, run the permutation test on each taxon separately:

Dnull_daph = replicate(n = 5000, expr = perm(x = dat$treatment, y = dat$daph))
Dnull_bosm = replicate(n = 5000, expr = perm(x = dat$treatment, y = dat$bosm))
Dnull_cope = replicate(n = 5000, expr = perm(x = dat$treatment, y = dat$cope))
Dnull_chao = replicate(n = 5000, expr = perm(x = dat$treatment, y = dat$chao, na.rm = T))

Then, create the histograms for each species showing the null distribution and the observed difference:

par(mfrow = c(1,4), mar = c(2,0,2,0))
hist(Dnull_daph, col = "skyblue", main = "DAPH", yaxt = "n")
abline(v = Dobs_daph, col = "red", lwd = 3)

hist(Dnull_bosm, col = "skyblue", main = "BOSM", yaxt = "n")
abline(v = Dobs_bosm, col = "red", lwd = 3)

hist(Dnull_cope, col = "skyblue", main = "COPE", yaxt = "n")
abline(v = Dobs_cope, col = "red", lwd = 3)

hist(Dnull_chao, col = "skyblue", main = "CHAO", yaxt = "n")
abline(v = Dobs_chao, col = "red", lwd = 3)

Finally, calculate the two-tailed hypothesis tests:

mean(abs(Dnull_daph) >= Dobs_daph)
## [1] 0
mean(abs(Dnull_bosm) >= Dobs_bosm)
## [1] 2e-04
mean(abs(Dnull_cope) >= Dobs_cope)
## [1] 0
mean(abs(Dnull_chao) >= Dobs_chao)
## [1] 0

It appears that the zooplankton densities differed significantly between treatments for each taxon.

2. Adapt the code to perform a permutation test for another data set used in this book where there are observations of both a categorical variable and a continuous variable. The data sets sockeye.csv, growth.csv, or creel.csv should be good starting points.

This example will test the difference in mean length between age 3 and 4 fish in the growth.csv data set.

Read in the data and extract only age 3 and 4 fish:

dat = read.csv("../Data/growth.csv")
dat = dat[dat$age %in% c(3,4),]

Calculate the observed difference in means (age 4 - age 3):

Dobs = mean(dat$length[dat$age == 4]) - mean(dat$length[dat$age == 3])

Adapt the perm() function for this example (no na.rm argument is needed):

perm = function(x, y) {
  # shuffle the x values:
  x_shuff = sample(x)
  # calculate the mean of each group:
  x_bar_3 = mean(y[x_shuff == 3])
  x_bar_4 = mean(y[x_shuff == 4])
  # calculate the difference:
  x_bar_4 - x_bar_3

Then, use the function:

Dnull = replicate(n = 5000, expr = perm(x = dat$age, y = dat$length))

Plot the null distribution:

hist(Dnull, col = "skyblue")
abline(v = Dobs, col = "red", lwd = 3)

Obtain the two-tailed p-value:

mean(abs(Dnull) >= Dobs)
## [1] 0.538

Based on this, it appears there is no significant difference between the mean length of age 3 and 4 fish in this example.

3. Add a calculation of the p-value for a one-tailed test (i.e., that the difference in means is greater or less than zero). Steps 1 - 4 are the same: all you need is Dnull and Dobs. Don’t be afraid to Google this if you are confused.

To calculate the p-value for a one-tailed test (null hypothesis is that the mean length of age 4 is less than or equal to the mean length of age 3 fish):

mean(Dnull >= Dobs)
## [1] 0.2634

To test the opposite hypothesis (null hypothesis is that the mean length of age 4 fish is greater than or equal to the mean length of age 3 fish):

mean(Dnull <= Dobs)
## [1] 0.7372

Exercise 5 Solutions

First, load {dplyr} and read in the data:

dat = read.csv("../Data/asl.csv")
##   year    sex age length
## 1 1966   Male   4    570
## 2 1966   Male   4    519
## 3 1966   Male   4    518
## 4 1966   Male   4    479
## 5 1966 Female   4    529
## 6 1966 Female   4    560

1. Count the number of females that were sampled each year using the {dplyr} function n() within a summarize() call (Hint: n() works just like length - it counts the number of records).

Pipe dat to a filter() call to extract only females, then group_by() year, then count the number of records:

n_female = dat %>%
  filter(sex == "Female") %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarize(n_female = n())

2. Calculate the proportion of females by year.

Do a similar task as in the previous question, but count all individuals each year, regardless of sex:

n_tot = dat %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarize(n_tot = n())

Then merge these two data sets:

samp_size = merge(n_tot, n_female, by = "year")

Finally, calculate the fraction that were females:

samp_size = samp_size %>%
  mutate(p_female = n_female/n_tot)

3. Plot percent females over time. Does it look like the sex composition has changed over time?

plot(p_female ~ year, data = samp_size, type = "b")

It seems that the proportion of females has varied randomly over time but has not systematically changed since the beginning of the data time series. Note that some of this variability is introduced by sampling.

4. Calculate mean length by age, sex, and year.

{dplyr} makes this relatively complex calculation easy and returns an intuitive data frame as output:

mean_length = dat %>% 
  group_by(year, age, sex) %>%
  summarize(mean_length = mean(length))

5. Come up with a way to plot a time series of mean length-at-age for both sexes. Does it look like mean length-at-age has changed over time for either sex?

# set up a 2x2 plotting device with specialized margins
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(2,2,2,2), oma = c(2,2,0,0))

# extract the unique ages
ages = unique(mean_length$age)

# use sapply() to "loop" over ages
sapply(ages, function(a) {
  # create an empty plot
  plot(1,1, type = "n", ann = F, xlim = range(dat$year),
       ylim = range(filter(mean_length, age == a)$mean_length))
  # add a title
  title(paste("Age", a))
  # draw on the lines for each sex
  lines(mean_length ~ year, type = "b", pch = 16,
        data = filter(mean_length, age == a & sex == "Male"))
  lines(mean_length ~ year, type = "b", pch = 1, lty = 2,
        data = filter(mean_length, age == a & sex == "Female"))
  # draw a legend if the age is 4
  if (a == 4) {
    legend("topright", legend = c("Male", "Female"),
           lty = c(1,2), pch = c(16,1), bty = "n")

# add on margin text for the shared axes
mtext(side = 1, outer = T, "Year")
mtext(side = 2, outer = T, "Mean Length (mm)")

Bonus 1. Calculate the age composition by sex and year (what proportion of all the males in a year were age 4, age 5, age 6, age 7, and same for females).

This follows a similar workflow as in the calculation of the proportion of females:

# get the number by age and sex each year
n_age_samps = dat %>% 
  group_by(year, age, sex) %>%
  summarize(age_samps = n())

# get the number by sex each year
n_tot_samps = dat %>% 
  group_by(year, sex) %>%
  summarize(tot_samps = n())

# merge the two:
n_samps = merge(n_age_samps, n_tot_samps, by = c("year", "sex"))

# calculate the proportion at each age and sex:
n_samps = n_samps %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(age_comp = age_samps/tot_samps)

Bonus 2. Plot the time series of age composition by sex and year. Does it look like age composition has changed over time?

Create the same plots as for Question 5, but with age composition instead of sex composition:

# set up a 2x2 plotting device with specialized margins
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(2,2,2,2), oma = c(2,2,0,0))

# extract the unique ages
ages = unique(n_samps$age)

# use sapply() to "loop" over ages
sapply(ages, function(a) {
  # create an empty plot
  plot(1,1, type = "n", ann = F, xlim = range(dat$year),
       ylim = range(filter(n_samps, age == a)$age_comp) + c(0, 0.05))
  # add a title
  title(paste("Age", a))
  # draw on the lines for each sex
  lines(age_comp ~ year, type = "b", pch = 16,
        data = filter(n_samps, age == a & sex == "Male"))
  lines(age_comp ~ year, type = "b", pch = 1, lty = 2,
        data = filter(n_samps, age == a & sex == "Female"))
  # draw a legend if the age is 4
  if (a == 4) {
    legend("topleft", legend = c("Male", "Female"),
           lty = c(1,2), pch = c(16,1), bty = "n")

# add on margin text for the shared axes
mtext(side = 1, outer = T, "Year")
mtext(side = 2, outer = T, "Age Composition by Sex")

Exercise 6 Solutions

Note: these solutions assume you have the layers bear, stat, slovenia, railways, and cp as well as all of the packages used in Chapter 6 already loaded into your workspace.

## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\bstaton\Desktop\Staton\3_general\au-r-workshop\Data\Ch6\SVN_adm", layer: "SVN_adm0"
## with 1 features
## It has 70 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID_0 OBJECTID_1
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\bstaton\Desktop\Staton\3_general\au-r-workshop\Data\Ch6\railways", layer: "railways"
## with 214 features
## It has 3 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  osm_id
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\bstaton\Desktop\Staton\3_general\au-r-workshop\Data\Ch6\SVN_adm", layer: "SVN_adm1"
## with 12 features
## It has 9 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID_0 ID_1

1. Load the caves.shp shapefile (Republic of Slovenia 2018) from your working directory. Add the data to one of the maps of Slovenia you created in this chapter.

# load the caves file
caves = readOGR(dsn="./caves",layer="EPO_JAMEPoint")
# put all layers the same projection as bear data
caves = spTransform(caves, CRS(proj4string(bear)))
stats = spTransform(stats, CRS(proj4string(bear)))
slovenia = spTransform(slovenia, CRS(proj4string(bear)))
railways = spTransform(railways, CRS(proj4string(bear)))
# make the plot
par(mar = c(2,2,1,1))
plot(stats, border = "grey", axes = T,
     xlim = bear@bbox[1,],  # access the boundary box using @
     ylim = bear@bbox[2,])
plot(slovenia, lwd = 3, add = T)
points(bear, pch = 16, cex = 0.5, col = alpha("blue", 0.5))
plot(railways, add = T, col = "red", lwd = 3)
# add the caves layer
plot(caves, add=T)
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\bstaton\Desktop\Staton\3_general\au-r-workshop\Data\Ch6\caves", layer: "EPO_JAMEPoint"
## with 32 features
## It has 2 fields

2. How many caves are there?

## [1] 32

3. How many caves are in each statistical area?

For this, you will need to add a field to your attribute table. Look back to Section 6.6.3 for details on how to do this.

caves = spTransform(caves, proj4string(stats))
cavestats = over(caves, stats)
caves = spCbind(caves,cavestats$NAME_1)
##              Goriška Jugovzhodna Slovenija    Notranjsko-kraška 
##                     1                     5                    12 
##        Obalno-kraška     Osrednjeslovenska 
##                     2                    11

4. Which bear has the most caves in its homerange?

First, use the over() function to determine which homeranges have which caves (the returnList = T argument will show all of the polygons each point falls in).

cp = spTransform(cp, CRS(proj4string(caves)))
homecaves = over(caves, cp, returnList = T)

Now just count how many caves were in each bear’s homerange (the bear names are the rownames of homecaves).

##   jana   nejc srecko 
##      5      2      7

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